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Ledge Hill Labradors
Lebanon, Maine
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Ch Ledge Hill's Premonitions Come True
Handled by Norman Grenier
Ledge Hills Charmed One x GCH Belquest Fergus N Trouble @ Snobo
Ledge Hills Second Star on the Right and Ledge Hill's Premonitions Come True
Winners Dog and Winners Bitch/Best of Winners
Wachusett Kennel Club 08/19/18
08/19/18 Wachusett Kennel Club - Marcus WD, Phoebe WB and BOW
Ledge Hill's Luck of the Irish and Ledge Hill's Charmed One
Winners Bitch / Best of Winners and Reserve Winners Bitch
Middlesex County Kennel Club
Photo by Fritz Clark Dog Show Photographer
Thank you to Mrs. Sheila Smith!!
I have a small operation on two acres of land in Maine. I do this as a hobby in hopes of offering wonderful pets to loving families. I raise the puppies in my home with frequent visits from friends and family for socialization. The puppies are taken outside when temperatures allow so they are exposed to the great outdoors before they go to their new homes. They are also taken to different places for visits to get them accustomed to car rides and being crated. The puppies are allowed to play with my adult dogs where they learn valuable lessons in dog social skills. The three cats do some training as well. These puppies are well prepared to be loving members of their new families. There are times when there will be no pups available and that is because I will only breed each female once a year when they come of age, this is for the health and well being of the mothers. Please feel free to contact me about info on upcoming litters.
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